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2020 Virtual Fundraiser Highlights
We need your support now more than ever. We have an exciting lineup including exclusive videos, an online auction, and a live streaming performance from the band "Instant Bingo"!
2020 Fundraiser Videos
Exclusive content from the Cradle
Exclusive content from the Cradle

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Walkthrough of our homes
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Imani's story
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Aaison's song
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Tune in to live streaming music
Check back at 3:00 PM to hear Ben and Sarah Drake from "Instant Bingo" play us live music. P.S. Sarah's pregnant!
"Instant Bingo" made a special album for us. Enjoy now and see them live at 3.
Online auction
This year we have over $6,000 worth of items to bid on! There's everything from gift cards to commissioned art. Register on the auction website and bid on items you want until the auction ends on Monday, April 27th at 5 PM.
All items were donated and 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting Cradle of Hope and its vital mission.
Register to bid on items
1.) Click the auction link then click "Register to Bid" at the top.

2.) Setup your account and you're all set to bid!

Thank you for your support!
We hope you've been encouraged by joining our Cradle family today. Your donations will keep our mission alive for the coming year.
All of us on the board, the moms, and babies are forever grateful.

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